When I was at 8th grade of school, a new girl arrived to the 7th grade class, her name was Emilia, and we made instantly friends because we had in common that we both loved Justin Bieber. Time went by and we started learned things about each other, months later was the big concert of Bieber, and of course we decided to change the tickets we bought before we met for other ones in a different location, so we can go together, that day was really fun and we became even closer. We still share that secret love for Justin, but obviously, we have now other interests, for example, we both love sushi and watching vintage movies. We love taking photos, talking about our love experiences and we share a deep love for cats. So we mixed these two last things to create a funny game about types of cats, in which we categorize people we met in different kinds of cats, for example, her ex-girlfriend used to be a “cat type b”, that means she was really intense. We also categorized ourselves in this game, so she is a “cat type a”: very relaxed and always calm down to solve problems with others. According to this, I am a type b cat, as I said before, really intense and difficult to get to know deeply, as you see we are not the same type of cat, but we had complemented each other in each stage of our lives since we met, and I really hope it to be like that in the future.  We tell each other everything, even now that I am in college and she is still in school, we talk every day and always make time to see us, even if it is a short time to gossip a little.


  1. That´s a really interesting idea of categorize people, i think thatit is very smart

  2. (...) "and of course we decided to change the tickets we bought before we met for other ones in a different location, so we can go together" (...)- I do not like Justin Bieber but this is a very beautiful gesture. I am interesting in know more about your " cat system" hahaha. Well, see you soon Camila.

  3. Best friendships are when you are some different to your bestfriend, but at the same time you're similar


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