I would like to use this space to talk about my pet, my cat: Legolas.
Since I saw him for the first time I tought he was such a cutie little piece of hair, he was so tiny, so adorable. I adopted him from Antumpau, when he was 2 months old. He is white with orange stains, he is actually really soft and really really lovely.
The first time I took him to my house, he was so scared and tiny, he had lices, scratches and fleas, all over his little body, he was extreamly skinny with his big grey eyes (cause he was still a baby and didn't had his definitive color of eye jet), bigger ears than body and his little but long tail.
When we came home, he hidded in the first place he found: on a coach on  my room, (this is really usual when you adopt a cat, they hide until they think is safe where they are, they make a kind of study of the place and then they start being condifence about it. He hidded, and the girl who gaved me said, he could stay hidden for days, even a week! I was kind of sad the first hour he hide, I thought he would never love me, and I already felt in love with him :'( so I decided to take a nap...when I woke up my little kitty was sleeping cuddling next to me, I still remember, it felt so good feeling him near to me, I know it sounds crazy but I really think my cat and I have some kind of conection, like some astral thing, I dont know, but I really know and you cand inmediatly notice how close we are, and how much we love each other since the first time.
It has been 4 years now since that day and we still have that thing.I love him so much that I even have a tattoo of his name, it says "Legolas" with elfic typography on the side where he always lays next to me. Everytime I feel sad, he goes and gives me cat love, moving his little paws on my neck or my hair. He actually gets a little mad with me when I'm not in the house for a while, when I go to travel, or pass the weekend at my boyfriend's house... he is actually really jelaous, but he loves my boyfriend, and he loves watching movies with us, laying in bed or taking naps after lunch on sundays. We have our little family.
Btw, Legolas was so tiny and little the first 2 months and I dont know what happen but now is giant, I mean HUGE is the biggest cat I've ever seen, and you can notice his "dog size" at fisrt sight.
I love him and I know he loves me too, Im his favorite human I think, and I'm really happy he came into my life!
Now there's a picture of my little baby so you can se how adorable he is with me


  1. I love his name, it´s kind of perfect to him

  2. I love the cats, hopefully have one anyday

  3. Your cat is so pretty!, I have a similar history with my cat "capuccino", I dopt him in october of 2017 and he are so curious and cute, he always watch me in the shadows and meows when I see me.

  4. I love animals too. I have two dogs in my house but I wish to have more.

  5. cats are the most beautiful in the world, I have one that is my baby for four years, but is also the cat of my grandmother that has months, but in my house we are all animal rights so everyone has their pet, my dad and my brother have a dog each one, while my mom has a Rabbit, while my sister had a cat but after two years of his death still don't want to have another pet, and I understand it.


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