Being environmentally friendly ...

Well, everyone who knows me a little, could have noticed how the way my parents raised me had become such ana a deep lifestyle of my own... probably this is hard to notice if you are an outsider or a stranger who look at me in the street, but the truth is that growing up with hippie parents, has made such an environmentally friendly person!
My mom is the hippiest if us, we 4 at the family: my mom, my dad, Legolas (my cat) and me.... we all (including Legolas) have learned a lot from her, she is so wise! She is a textile artist, and she fell in love with fibers years before she decided that that was her passion. The love for fibers make her follow the way to the natural life, so he always eats organic food, we use organic clothes (well, they do, I'm more like a black ship of the family hahaha), even we wash the dishes with organic soup!!! My mom spread to my dad this lifestyle, and since they got married, they carry this urban hippie life, and of course, since I was a child, my mom told me and taught me how the environment and nature works, even when I was little if I had the flu, we used organic and natural remedies for it.
So we learned from her how to compost, how to reduce our contamination or impact in nature, with simple tips, that actually are so useful and now, so popular... that's a thing that makes me really proud of society. You can see that even if it's a little help. a little sand grain, we are doing something to stop our impact here on  Earth.
Something which is really a topic for us is food, and our health because of it. We started making our organic life since 2012, and until now, I have seen many changes in my life, it's amazing how you realize that just for eating organic things, your body and system start changing for good, and you started feeling better. It's a well-known fact how industries affect the environment, and one of them is the food industries, for example, McDonald's which is all around the world, I cannot say that I've never enjoyed one, but it happened to me, that one day I became like unstable every time I ate one, my stomach -started crying- as my mom said, and she explained to me that it was because I was feeding it with trash. Then I started my investigation, of how these industries, are so contaminating to our environment! The way they use plastic, the way they intervene with animals, the treat, the smells, everything is disgusting if you look deeper.
Another thing we do is separate our wastes, for example, non-organic things, like napkins, that we don't know the precedence of that threes, and we mixed all organic stuff and take it to a compost center. We always go to La Reina, because there you can find the compost center, and also an organic fair every Saturday morning, with more than just organic vegetables and fruit, there's clothes, make- up, even toothbrushes! It's also a fact that this way of living is not cheap, but I can arrange to say it's not as expensive as you could imagine, there are lots of things you could do to make it cheaper, for example, having your own little orchard on your terrace, with herbs, little tomatoes, etc. Another interesting thing about it is that as you start feeling better inside, it will be reflexed in your outside, and with this, I'm trying to say, that a little effort as a family to become organic and try to save the Earth is not as hard as you think.
Maybe you are wondering why eating organic is environmentally friendly, and if you could answer this question during this post, I invite you to read about "Monsanto" and what this company does on lands, how they contaminate it with strong chemicals, and alterate the nature system, I can even say it's such a satanic thing what they're doing here.


  1. The organic clothes are very interesting, it is very good have a mother with this principles, I think is more easy to take conciousness and take action when you have a family or a group of people near of you helping and sharing your own interest. Greetings

  2. Your life style is a goal, I'm definitly reading about Monsanto.

  3. Wow, it's amazing how you and your family helps the planet and to yourselves, when I was younger I've ever wondered how would be my life if I had hippie parents hahaha, I like how you live. Respects

  4. From what I have read and seen, Monsanto is a synonym of evil. Now it has been bought by Bayer corporation. These two were the biggest companies who manipulated food genetically and also forced a lot of people to lose their crops because of its contamination. I grow my herbs and tomatoes on my balcony. I used to have more stuff but I was a different and more caring person then.


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