
Mostrando las entradas de 2018

About myfree time...

Well. being honest I dont have much free time, but when I do have it is when I would like to use it the most to do things that make me healther with my mental health... I really like sleeping, I think its what I do better in my whole life, but that's not the only thing,. drawing is something I really enjoy doing but, since I study design, draw became more like some kind of work, than a passion for free time. Movies would be something I always do when I have some free time, I feel really passioned about it, ir makes me relaxed... riding my bike is something I love doing too, also makes me feel relaxec and happy, I think sports, make you feel free for your life daily respondabilities, its just about  you, wind in your hair, with no time, just breahing in and breathing out... I've made yoga a few ayer ago, I quit it because I didnt have enough time for it, but it really helped me to feel calm. Other thing that makes me feel like I'm kind of breaking free all the bad thing that


I would like to use this space to talk about my pet, my cat: Legolas. Since I saw him for the first time I tought he was such a cutie little piece of hair, he was so tiny, so adorable. I adopted him from Antumpau, when he was 2 months old. He is white with orange stains, he is actually really soft and really really lovely. The first time I took him to my house, he was so scared and tiny, he had lices, scratches and fleas, all over his little body, he was extreamly skinny with his big grey eyes (cause he was still a baby and didn't had his definitive color of eye jet), bigger ears than body and his little but long tail. When we came home, he hidded in the first place he found: on a coach on  my room, (this is really usual when you adopt a cat, they hide until they think is safe where they are, they make a kind of study of the place and then they start being condifence about it. He hidded, and the girl who gaved me said, he could stay hidden for days, even a week! I was kind of sa

Dream Job

Today I'm going to talk about which could be the dream I wanna be working on, in the future. Since I was a kid I loved disney movies, and growing up, still loving them, I became a huge big fan of the movies, going to the cinema is one of my favorite things to do in the whole world. Sometimes, when I feel sad, the best thing I can do, and which always works to making me feel better are going to the cinema and eating some good ice cream hahaha Well. back to the topic, movies became such an art to me, I really admire, how the things envolve on them, not only actors, but scenes, places, lights, everything. One of my favorite movies is Wreck it Raplh, a Pixar movie about video game characters which are stucked in some of the games of a game center. These movie confirmed me that my dreamed job would be working on Pixar, as a designer, I admire a lot how the characters are made, theirs gestures, moves, everything. I thing an important quality to it, is the ability of looking around, WA

Being environmentally friendly ...

Well, everyone who knows me a little, could have noticed how the way my parents raised me had become such ana a deep lifestyle of my own... probably this is hard to notice if you are an outsider or a stranger who look at me in the street, but the truth is that growing up with hippie parents, has made such an environmentally friendly person! My mom is the hippiest if us, we 4 at the family: my mom, my dad, Legolas (my cat) and me.... we all (including Legolas) have learned a lot from her, she is so wise! She is a textile artist, and she fell in love with fibers years before she decided that that was her passion. The love for fibers make her follow the way to the natural life, so he always eats organic food, we use organic clothes (well, they do, I'm more like a black ship of the family hahaha), even we wash the dishes with organic soup!!! My mom spread to my dad this lifestyle, and since they got married, they carry this urban hippie life, and of course, since I was a child, my mom


These days I'm not particulary reading something, but I'm going to talk about a book... particulary, about a story which is inside of it.This book is called "Juego Final" which author is Julio Cortázar from Argentina, and the story im going to talk about is about axolotls...a weird kind of fish, it is also called that way: Axolotl. This story reminds me a lot of Kafka, and what he wrote in Metamorfosis... but this one is different in so many ways. It belongs to the genre: magic realism. I actually, hate reading... even in school where my strongestsubject was 'Lenguaje', reading is something I really dislike, but this hate to it belong to my teenager period, when I was little I was addicted to books and stuff. Well, the reason why I really enjoyed this book, its because even if I dont have a great time reading, Cortazar wrote all these things that makes me go to the deepest part of my mind. All his books, and short stories, makes me feel this way, and th

My Hobbies

Today im going to talk about my hobbies. First of all, I always felt related to art, I always liked drawing, music, dancing... I think I have tried lots of hobbies, most of them when I was little, for example, I started dancing ballet at Teatro Municipal of Santiago, I loved it, but I started feeling worried, because I heard that with time your feet will start being ugly and monstrous. I stopped dancing, and of course I tried lot of activities at school, but the next thing I started doing as a hobbie, was playing the piano, I studied here at Universidad de Chile for a while, I also had particular lessons, but I didnt enoyed that much, I liked playing but it wasnt a thing that I felt relaxing or actually my passion. The only thing I never stopped doing was drawing, I never had lessons of it, or went to an art school, but I can say that is the most relaxing thing of my life, thats why I decided to study here, I really enjoyed drawing, watching animated movies, and I hope someday I can

My favorite subject at school

https://youtu.be/kiKAQXxRpDg        LINK VIDEO TALK
MY FAVOURITE SUBJECT WHEN I WAS AT SCHOOL My high school was called Cambridge College Antonio Varas, I entered there when I was 8 years old. It was a little place, we only had one class for each grade, for example, there was only one senior year, we didn’t have letters like A.B or C. I rembeber it clearly because It wasn’t a long time ago. It was just last year when I was still having all those subjects, like biology that I HATE. Actually, the only thing I really enjoyed at school, was the break time, specially at senior year, where the only thing we did was study all day for the PSU and, of course, the only thing I went to school for, was watching Netflix in my cellphone with my friends, or listening to music. I was never a bad student, I always had good marks, but I hated there, so that’s why im going to talk abou my favourite subject, and probably, the only one that I really liked. Art class was always the most important to me, it was very relaxing, specially for our schedul
MY FRIEND EMILIA When I was at 8th grade of school, a new girl arrived to the 7th grade class, her name was Emilia, and we made instantly friends because we had in common that we both loved Justin Bieber. Time went by and we started learned things about each other, months later was the big concert of Bieber, and of course we decided to change the tickets we bought before we met for other ones in a different location, so we can go together, that day was really fun and we became even closer. We still share that secret love for Justin, but obviously, we have now other interests, for example, we both love sushi and watching vintage movies. We love taking photos, talking about our love experiences and we share a deep love for cats. So we mixed these two last things to create a funny game about types of cats, in which we categorize people we met in different kinds of cats, for example, her ex-girlfriend used to be a “cat type b”, that means she was really intense. We also categorized our